words eaten

Eat My Words is a small bookstore located in Minneapolis, MN that carries a variety of used and rare books as well as publications from local authors. They host various events ranging from book discussions, spoken word, and music performances.

I saw an opportunity to fully branch out a simplified and modern brand identity that separates them from other competing bookstores.


the first bite

This small shop is more of a novelty than a franchise in the making––but in case they decide to go big, I imaged a new identifier and several collaterals to emphasize the language of the reimagined brand. With a name like “Eat My Words,“ I couldn’t pass up the chance to exercise culinary visuals.


Store research.

Design research.

Type exploration.

Digital ideation.

Further digital ideation.

Final logo and color swatches.


full on books

When I read “Eat My Words,” my first thoughts lead to the physical chewing of a novel, page by page. My experiences with books involved reading throughout an entire night until sunrise. I based the rebrand on that idea–endless consumption (of something good).

With research, I found that a membership plan with benefits, trendy merchandise, and an internal cafe all have proven to help keep bookstores relevant in today’s digital era. Assuming that “Eat My Words” would have all of those in its theoretical big franchise boom, I included them in the concepts for the collaterals.