
Hi, I’m T. Hang. Feel free to call me T or Thex.
My pronouns are they/them/theirs.

Coffee is the new H2O. So are expresso floats. Dancing keeps things extra spicy. 40% of my day is spent watching TikToks. My hair changes color every couple months. I have too many hats. Mosquitoes are the worst. Pineapple pizza.

That’s me in a nutshell.

From publication to branding to web design to animations to illustration – there’s not one discipline that holds me down. Some might call me a multi-disciplinary graphic designer. I like to describe my skills like my gender – flexible.

Do you like saying “hello”? Me, too. If you want to send me your greetings, you can reach me at

Thanks for the digital visit. 👋🏽